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Platelet Rich Plasma revitalises skin, improving laxity, fine lines, wrinkles, and texture.




The Plasma Pen treatment works by creating a series of minute dots on the skin which trigger an instant contraction and tightening of the skin fibres, to create a lifting, remodelling and rejuvenating effect of the area treated. Plasma Pen uses the fourth state of matter, Plasma, to achieve this. The principle involves the ionisation of gases contained in the air to create a small electrical arc. These ‘arcs’ can be used to treat specific areas of concern WITHOUT damaging the surrounding areas or applying any unwanted heat to them.

Downtime 7-10 Days
Pain ●●●●○
Treatment Time 14 - 45 minutes


Plasma Pen delivers plasma energy on the tissues, generated by the ionisation of the gas in the air. Brera plasma Pen is a medical device for non-invasive micro surgery. Fields of application:

  • Blefaroplasma ®

  • Acne

  • Verrucas

  • Lentigo

  • Scars

  • Stria

  • Wrinkles

  • Fibromas


Plasma Pen provides dramatic results for a wide variety of skin concerns, and it is considered the ONLY non-surgical blepharoplasty option.

Results are visible after one treatment - usually from 14 days and 45-60 days being final result from that treatment session.

Some clients will require additional plasma pen treatments on the area being treated. Results are permanent. However, as we age, repeat treatments may be necessary to maintain - as is the case even with surgery.


An anaesthetic cream is applied to the areas being treated. After 30 minutes, the Plasma Pen device – small wand – is slowly hovered above the areas of concern, letting off a tiny electrical discharge.

The process ‘evaporates’ the target tissue located in the epidermis, and does not at all affect the deeper layers of skin in the dermis meaning no inflammation. The procedure typically only takes a short time

Afterwards you can expect:

  • There will be some swelling of the areas treated, which will last approximately 2-3 depending on the client.

  • You will have 'crusting' of the skin in the area treated which is usually gone within 5-7 days but can be covered with a proper medical foundation.

  • The new skin can be quite pink up to 4 weeks but can be covered with makeup


Avoid blood-thinning and anti-inflammatory medication (e.g. aspirin ibuprofen, fish oil, and St John’s wort) one week prior.


All fake tan to be removed to the area, check with your therapis if you will need to shave the treated area.


Wait 2 weeks post any harsh chemical peels or laser treatments.


  • Avoid excessive exercise in the first 24 hours

  • Avoid scrubs and exfoliants and strong skincare products for the first three to five days

  • Avoid tanning and prolonged sun exposure for the first week

  • Consider taking natural supplements or antiviral medication for prevention if you are prone to cold sores if treated it that area


Plasma Pen is a highly effective solution. Patients notice a considerable difference in appearance to the target areas.


With Plasma Pen there is no bleeding, a very short recovery time, the treatment is fast and relatively pain-free and is much cheaper than surgery, some clients may need another treatment.


Anyone who has:

  • Heart conditions, angina or blood pressure problems

  • Diabetes or poor wound healing

  • Autoimmune disorders

  • Currently have cold sores (Taking Acyclovir / Zovirax 3 days before treatment and for 4 days following treatment is recommended if there is a history of cold sores)

  • Currently using Accutane or used Accutane in the last year

  • History of keloid scar formation or hyperpigmentation

  • Allergies to any anaesthetics (Lidocaine, Benzocaine, Tetracaine) or topical preparations

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Any other associated health conditions or medications taken

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